miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020

Oficina norteamericana de Copyright y registro de "breves obras literarias on line"

La noticia hace referencia a facilidades para la protección de las creaciones de los influencers, partiendo de la base de que se trata de obras intelectuales, originales, pero muchas veces tan cortas o acotadas que han visto cuestionada su calificación como obra protegida.
Por supuesto que el tema va mucho más allá que estas creaciones en particular.

"Effective August 17, the US Copyright Office amended its regulations to establish a new “group registration” option for what it describes as “short online literary works.” This is very good news for social media influencers and other online bloggers. As a general rule, a copyright registration covers an individual work, and an author is required to prepare a separate application and submit a separate filing fee for each work he or she wants to register. The output of social media influencers and bloggers typically consists of frequent but short posts. Until now, both the administrative burden and cost of registering each post or blog has been prohibitive, so many influencers and bloggers simply did not register their works, and therefore were unable to protect them in the event of infringement."

US Copyright Office Group Registration for Short Online Literary Works

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