lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2020

Europa: derecho societario y responsabilidad social corporativa

Un muy interesante documento: "Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its implementation into EU Company law", "La responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) y su implementación en el Derecho societario de la Unión Europea", viene a ser la traducción libre del documento que es el eje central de la nota que enlazamos.

LINK a la información general:

Europe: company law and corporate social responsibility: The European Commission has recently published a study - commissioned by the Policy Department for Citizen's Rights and Constitutional Affa...

LINK al portal del Think Tank del Parlamento europeo:

LINK al documento:
"Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its implementation into EU Company law"

Se trata de un informe de unas cien páginas, con detalles interesantes sobre legislación y realidad, respecto de un tema sobre el cual se ha escrito bastante desde la perspectiva de la Unión Europea.

Dejo el Abstract:
"Building on both European Union (EU) law and chosen Member States’ legislation, this study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURICommittee aims at understanding to what extent Member States are supporting the development and the implementation of CSR strategies in the business community, with particular focus on due diligence requirements. It also attempts at providing some recommendations aimed at possibly developing a comprehensive and structured approach to CSR for the whole of the EU."

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